Women's Beginning HTML/CSS/JavaScript RailsBridge Web Workshop

Volunteer-Only Get-to-Know-You and Tip-Sharing

Sun 12/15/2013
Start time: 9:00 am CST
End time: 9:45 am CST

Student HTML & CSS Workshop

Sun 12/15/2013
Start time: 10:00 am CST
End time: 4:00 pm CST

Optional After-Event at Tock's (Volunteers and Students Welcome)

Sun 12/15/2013
Start time: 4:00 pm CST
End time: 5:00 pm CST


This is a Front End workshop. The focus will be on designing web apps with HTML and CSS. You can find all the curriculum materials at docs.railsbridge.org/frontend.

Click here for more information about class levels in this course!

Want to learn website development? Or want to help more women join tech?

RailsBridge is a free, open-source workshop that is intended to reach out mainly to women who are interested in learning web development. This is the first RailsBridge workshop in Shanghai, so we're starting on beginning front-end (the part you see) web development, specifically HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (we will be doing a back-end Ruby workshop in the future). Men are allowed to sign up as students if they sign up with a woman.

This workshop will be led in English, but we hope to have Chinese-speaking volunteers who can help as needed. Students should bring a laptop that already has Sublime Text (or another text editor downloaded onto it). It is also useful, but optional, to have Google Chrome. As with all RailsBridge events, we will make an effort to provide childcare if needed.

HULT International Business School is most easily accessible from the People's Square Metro stop, exit 14. Map: https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=214705170228158071651.0004ebfaf5744b0203513&msa=0

Please contact Michelle Glauser if you have any related ideas or questions, or if you know of a company interested in hosting and/or sponsoring this and/or other other workshops.

This is the tentative schedule:

9:00-9:45 AM - Volunteer-only get-to-know-you and tip-sharing
10:00 - 10:30 AM - Student registration, breakfast (hopefully we can find a sponsor to provide food)
10:30 - 11:00 AM - Opening presentation, sorting into levels
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM - Groups work on curriculum
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM - Lunch (hopefully we can find a sponsor to provide food)
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Back to work
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Regroup, recap, clean up
4:00 PM - Optional after-event at nearby Tock's Deli (during Happy Hour) at 221 Henan Zhong Lu/河南中路221号 (hopefully we can find a sponsor to provide a food or drink reward for the volunteers--students may attend, but they pay for everything on their own)

Tell your friends!

8 volunteers!

17 students!