After the success of the last RailsBridge in March, we decided to do a follow-up. During this session we'll be breaking the group up into two tracks: one for absolute beginners and an intermediate track for folks who may have been to the previous Railsbridge or who have been exploring Rails on their own.
The Minnesota Population Center (MPC) at the University of Minnesota will be hosting this installment of RailsBridge Minneapolis. The MPC is located in the basement of Willey Hall on the West Bank.
Parking and Transit
Paid parking is available in the lot behind Willey Hall. Several bus lines stop right in front of Willey Hall (3, 16, 50, etc).
The MPC will provide dinner during the Installfest Friday evening and a light breakfast and lunch during the Workshop on Saturday.
After Party!
After the workshop on Friday, all are invited to an after party at Republic West Bank.