**CANCELED** Intro to Web Development! **CANCELED**


Fri 3/20/2020
Start time: 6:00 pm EDT
End time: 9:00 pm EDT

Intro to Web Development!

Sat 3/21/2020
Start time: 9:00 am EDT
End time: 4:00 pm EDT


Sat 3/21/2020
Start time: 5:00 pm EDT
End time: 7:00 pm EDT


This is a Ruby on Rails event. The focus will be on developing web apps and programming in Ruby. You can find all the curriculum materials at docs.railsbridge.org.

Click here for more information about class levels in this course!

We're sad to announce that the March 20-21 RailsBridge workshop is cancelled. The RailsBridge Triangle team met today and decided that in order to protect those who are vulnerable to COVID-19 -- or may live with someone who is -- the safe thing to do is to cancel our Spring coding workshop.

Stay tuned for details on our next workshop, June 19-20. If you have any coding questions in the meantime, or want to get involved in June as a TA or speaker, contact us anytime at railsbridgetriangle@gmail.com.

Be well,

The RailsBridge Triangle team

0 volunteers!

0 students!